第十二章 做我的女朋友 但是你还可以被别人cao
书迷正在阅读:末世rou文女主觉醒后更rou了(NP)、蛇腰[二战+SC1v1]、远雷与地火(1v4,扭曲喜剧)、称臣 (强制1v1)、桃涩(1v1纯爱)、撕毁剥烂女人被艹疯、梁俊美的大千世界、求你抱抱我(强制虐高H)、知秋未然、惊悚向黄油乙女游戏(人外)
第十二章 做我的女朋友 但是你还可以被别人cao
李晗趴在沙发上喘着粗气,悬在空中的屁股里仍然有一股一股的jingye流出来。Luis高潮过后,yinjing仍然挺立着,他坐在沙发上一把抱过李晗,坐在自己直挺的yinjing上,蓝色的眼睛看着李晗,手指抚摸着李晗的唇,”Han, I want to cum on you again and again”
李晗没等Luis托着自己的身体动,自己便动了起来。唇附上了Luis的唇,轻轻的啄咬着,发出呻吟声,双手盘着Luis的脖颈,saoxue在jiba上上下跳动着,空气中弥漫着一股腥味和润滑的啪啪声。李晗忍不住的浪叫,”fuck me hard, daddy…I’m gonna come ahhh…”
“Yeh, baby, come on me, come”
“Suck my cock now, I want you to suck my cock and eat everything” Luis带着命令的语气对着李晗,李晗便跪在Luis的双腿之间,双手抚摸着他的yinjing,嘴巴从下面的蛋蛋开始舔起,舔到yinjing的根部,再慢慢向上,直到guitou,将整根yinjing含在口中,然后深喉,如此反复,Luis的yinjing在李晗的口中变得越来越粗,越来越大,他的呼吸声也变得越来越重,他紧紧的扣住李晗的头,jiba在口中快速的抽插,一股热液喷射出来,奈何李晗的嘴巴不够大,一些jingye在嘴角流出,李晗看着Luis将口中的jingye全部吞了下去。
两人发泄完后躺在床上,李晗说道” I want to try to be in a serious relationship with you, Luis”
“Really? Are you serious?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“What about you want to try to date different people?” Luis看着李晗,恩真的说道。
“Hmmm I guess not, because I have you.”
“Or maybe you can try to fuck different people as long as I’m there with you.” Luis刮着李晗的鼻子
“Really? You know I won’t say no.”
“Yes, as long as I’m there with you, and make sure you didn’t get hurt, I want to see my girlfriend fucked by other guys”
“Hmmm, actually tonight when I was in the bar, the chef he was trying to hook me up, but I miss you too much, so nothing happens”
“I see, see every guy wants to fuck my girl, bring me there tomorrow and let’s have a look together”
李晗一把抱住Luis,狠狠的亲吻着Luis “I’m sure you are the best… and yes I will bring you there and see hahah”